Terms of uing the PPHU Limba Internet service
1. The owner of this website, located at is P.P.H.U. LIMBA, Górnośląska Street 11, 42 - 480 Poręba
2. The editors of the service (P.P.H.U. LIMBA staff ) are responsible for the content of individual pages and the published information.
1. Data, information and studies contained on the website PPHU Limba is published solely for informational and promotional purposes.
2. Data contained on the website PPHU Limba are protected under the Copyright Act, they are the property of PPHU Limba or their authors.
3. Using the website P.P.H.U. Limba is equivalent to agreeing to the conditions specified in the claims of law.
1. The service user has the right to download and print pages or fragments provided he uses inviolability of the copyright laws.
2. It is prohibited to copy, redistribute, publish, distribute, share or use all or part of the data contained on the website PPHU Limba for commercial purposes and by integrating them into Web sites, subject to paragraph. 6
3.Using materials of the site requires the consent of PPHU Limba, except as set forth in the generally applicable regulations of law, such as fair use within the meaning of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws of 2006 No. 90, item. 631, of later amending).
4. It is prohibited to alter, adapt or make any other changes to the data contained on the website PPHU Limba, subject to paragraph. 6
5. It is prohibited to extract of the website Limba repeatedly or systematically even items not protected - the download could cause damage to PPHU Limba or Web site hosting companies, subject to paragraph. 6
6. Distribution and usage of data and information, or its parts contained on the website PPHU Limba is allowed only with the written permission by PPHU Limba.
7. With the prior written consent of P.P.H.U. Limba on the usage of data, information or works or their parts contained on the website, dissemination and usage is permitted on the following principles:
1) the used information will be presented entirety, without change, abbreviations and alteration;
2) data, information, and work will refer to the website PPHU Limba by specifying the source as
8. Obtaining access to P.P.H.U. Limba sites you acknowledge that any information sent through e-mail and other forms of transmission over the Internet is not confidential and may be subject to interference by others.
9. Graphic design is the property of ALBA Group (Germany), which grants permission to reproduce or use the image unchanged.
10.Logos, and some text materials used in the site are the property of their authors and companies. P.P.H.U. Limba does not grant permission to use it in any way beyond the provisions of the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws of 2006 No. 90, item. 631, Amended).
11. Product and company names appearing in this website may be trademarks of their owners and are used for informational purposes only.
1.The risk of using this website is entirely at the user's side.
2. P.P.H.U. Limba is not liable for damages resulting from the use of this website or websites linked to it, and in particular for damages resulting from:
1) interpretation and / or usage of the information available on the site and for any damage caused by the use of the data;
2) inability to use the service, lack of access to it, loss of data or loss of the benefits of the information available on the site;
3. The information contained on this website may be out of date despite taking the PPHU Limba all efforts to verify the accuracy and timeliness entire contents of the site.
1. These terms of using data, information and publications are applicable to the usage of data, information, and work, the use of which began in the time of their application.
2. P.P.H.U. Limba has the right to change these conditions in whole or in part at any time. The application shall be the date of publishing content.
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